


Work Comp Injury Solutions


On-site injury prevention & management solutions to keep your employees and bottom line healthy

Hinco LLC can help any sized company with its injury prevention and management needs. We offer highly flexible services, ranging from simple, low-cost approaches to more advanced, structured changes to proactively lower musculoskeletal injury rates. View the services below and see why companies that invest in prevention routinely see:

  • Increased productivity

  • Increased employee retention

  • Increased employee job satisfaction

  • Reduced workers' compensation costs

Contact us to set up a free consultation. Whether you know a specific service you need or you don't know where to start (that's OK) we'll be in touch to start working out the details. 




Based in Lincoln, NE and serving the surrounding region

Thank you for considering hiring local.

On-site injury management

Hinco will come on site to assess, triage, and treat your workplace injuries. No matter what your budget is, even if you think your workplace can’t afford on-site medical care, Hinco has a solution for you. For more information about levels of service, how Hinco manages injuries, and more, click here.

Prevention services


Have an analysis done of one troublesome work station, design company-wide solutions, or anything in between. After the initial analysis is complete we will collaborate with your company's engineers or maintenance staff to design and implement the changes needed to make it safer. Changes made with your budget in mind.     

spine health

Sore backs and fear-avoidance keeping your workers away from work? Group education classes are available to educate employees on back pain. Need more in-depth help? Individual prevention programs can be implemented to target each person's needs. Follow-through available for reinforcement of proper techniques and healthy habits, both at work and at home. Combine with workstation analysis or pain education for more comprehensive prevention.

Print-Friendly Services


Workstation Biomechanics

Analysis of work station design and how your employees work within it. Helping you design effective job rotation strategies. Assign safe, light-duty jobs when an employee is injured. Assessing adherence to temporary or permanent restrictions. Educating healthy or injured employees on proper technique. Or ask about other concerns you have about keeping your workforce safe at work.

Employee Education

Group classes for a range of topics, including: general wellness, pain, basic and advanced spine health, safe lifting, and basic ergonomics. All sessions are available for any sized group. Arrange for one session or several. Advanced ergonomics training is also available and recommended for safety teams or anyone else who must identify and record ergonomic hazards.

pre-shift streching

Custom prevention programs designed specifically for your employees with your unique production systems considered. Programs can be customized based on different risks throughout your workplace. All programs include both strategies to maximize participation and a training session for the stretching leaders.      Learn More

General consultation

Geared toward administration, Hinco provides general consultation on effective musculoskeletal injury tracking, management, and prevention. This workshop is perfect for people new to EHS, companies struggling with coordinating their MSD management across departments, or for general administration refreshers. 

All services are customizable for time and group size. Set up a free consultation to assess your needs and which combination of programs would work best for your company and your budget.

Interested in services but the timing isn't right? Let us know and we'll touch base at a later date. 



“I utilized the services of Hinco to the Lindsay Manufacturing Plant to evaluate our ongoing stretching program across the organization and determine what if any changes needed to be made. Kristin assessed our existing program and developed a comprehensive plan for reinvigorating our stretching program.  As a result of her work, we have seen our injuries due to repetitive work and sprains/strains drop dramatically since inception of her stretching program. I highly recommend Hinco for any organization that is looking for solutions to their ergonomics, repetitive work or sprain/strain types of injuries!”

-Matt Rhodes, CHMM, Director, Global Environmental, Health & Safety, Lindsay Corporation


Kristin was featured on the “What’s The Hazard” podcast with Doug Fletcher. Click here to learn more about Hinco services and how I customize injury prevention for your workplace.



Let's chat

Whether you know your work comp needs and which solutions you'd like to discuss, or you're not sure, use the form below to tell us about your company and we’ll contact you to schedule an appointment. General response time is one to two business days.